E-Commerce Archive

E-Commerce – What Lies Ahead?

Internet is the best biding platform and you can come across best deals on Internet. The sale and purchase of goods via internet is called e-commerce. It has various aspects like B2B, B2C, B2G, internet marketing, supply chain management or online transaction processing attached to it.

The e-commerce is no new aspect of selling and purchase of goods online but has reached to new pinnacles in recent few years. This boost in the e-commerce is due to the heavy penetration of Internet and its impact in our daily lives. It has reached to new horizons and according to one analysis the e-commerce or online sales has surpassed a remarkable 25% scale. With all this success at hand the main question that is constantly taunting the marketers is -What lies in future? What lies ahead in the road map for e-commerce?

As driven by technology the people will look for more of the digitalization and broadband will get further boom. With coming years all aspect of e-commerce will see radical changes in their profiles and spheres. As per estimations it is concluded that five years in the row and m-commerce will boom making the use of e-commerce platform. The devices like PDAs or mobile phones will see the innovations of high technology integrated in them and m-commerce will see an astronomic upshot. The coming era will see the advent of convergence in basic devices that will help e-commerce to create new horizons for it.

The B2B sector will face the changes at strategic level and ERP will get more promotion. The technical nuts and grits will be same more or less but with XML technologies in the picture the need to assemble the disparate systems will be on the minds of all concerned business houses. The e-commerce will see promotion by Government also and the projects like e-governance will be no new to the common people. They will get better acceptance and will also suit to the citizen’s needs. It shows that B2G will also be promoted and the platforms where citizens will not only be able to fill forms but also to make payments will see the shores.

The last but not the least – peer to peer activities will also see an upward mobility. The services like eBay or file sharing will be seeing developments and may evolve to provide services rather than just products.

At the concluding note one thing can be said that the speculations can be endless but one thing for sure that e-commerce will see peculiar advancements. It will touch the new horizons and all types of e-commerce modes will exploit the best of technology to deliver best services to the consumers and users.